Saturday, January 14, 2023


My Biggest Issue with the World

Poverty Crisis


    There are so many issues in 2023 worth discussing but personally I'm extremely interested in exploring the poverty crisis. I feel like this is an issue that we’ve been discussing and trying to fix since at least the world war. I'd like to explore the poverty crisis because I think it's an issue that can be fixed if we all come together to help. We live in a two-sided world. On one side there's the rich, the people who are the most comfortable in the world. The rich never have to worry about where they're going to sleep, how they will feed their families or stress about what they’ll do if they or someone they love gets sick. On the other side is the poor/impoverished, the people who face those aforementioned stressors everyday plus a lot more like not being able to send their kids to school. 

    In my opinion, if the rich and the poor come together and just share what they all have there would be no more poverty. When I say “share” I don’t necessarily mean just hand out money. We should share our resources, if there is an underdeveloped country, why can't we just send construction workers over to help build homes, schools, and workplaces? If there is a country with no food or clean water, we should help get them the resources they need to filter out their waters so it's safe. Help them with animals and plants so they're able to produce their own food over time. There are so many resources we can lend. I know it's a lot easier to say than to do but it's not impossible. Why can't we just do it? 

Something About Skill Building

Essential Skills

    I'd like to speak about the essential skills I am eager to pursue. I am most enthusiastic about pursuing critical thinking and problem solving. I am enthusiastic because those are my strong skills, I excel in moments where I must be creative. I like being able to read a body of work and draw my own interpretation, ideas, and thoughts from it. I am anxious about pursuing my skills in information management because this is a skill that I struggle with the most. When I have a lot of information handed to me, I tend to get overwhelmed. The information begins to get jumbled in my brain and then I'm unable to put my thoughts onto paper correctly. Although I'm anxious I am also hopeful that finally building on this skill will help me flourish. 

Where is my Grade?

Assessment/Grading System

    Let's discuss the assessment/grading system in my WRIT 100 class. When I first reviewed the assessment and grading system I was taken aback. In society we are made to believe that everything we do must have a clear outcome. If I author an essay or a test, there should be a clear numerical mark at the end that lets me know how well I did. We put so much pressure on ourselves because of that number. If we do well it builds our confidence and makes us feel good but if we do poorly it breaks down our self-esteem and makes us feel terrible. Now that I've had more time to think about the grading system in our WRIT 100 class, I'm ecstatic about it. I believe by taking away the numerical portion of grading you're leaving room for us to only focus on doing our best and succeeding. There is no reason to criticize oneself or feel pressured, just show up, do the work and flourish. 


  1. I think you've done a great job! The theme is beautiful and I do agree with your thoughts on poverty. :)

  2. This blog looks great! I really like how the images you used matched the theme. It caught my eye as a reader!


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